Do you know these big rumors in the fresh air system market?


At present, the imported household fresh air system on the market is superior to Germany, the United States, and Japanese brands, but the price is more expensive, the price of a single device ranges from tens of thousands of yuan to tens of thousands of yuan, and the domestic brand is Tsinghua Tongfang, Midea, Broad is superior, and the cost performance is higher. Extreme weather in the United States stems from Chinese pollution, the more mobile phone base stations, the greater the radiation, Inner Mongolia wind power steals Beijing's strong winds lead to smog, 9 to 11 layers are ash layer air dirty... In daily life, do you often hear these rumors, on June 1, the Beijing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau held a green communication conference, released and refuted the rumors on the spot, let's see what rumors have been said.

Myth 1: Inner Mongolia wind power stole Beijing's strong winds and caused smog. According to media reports, Inner Mongolia built a large number of wind power plants, stealing the strong wind in Beijing, causing smog.

Truth: the wind encounters obstacles around the flow can be restored, local wind power or local shelter forest will not affect the far downstream wind, fog, the root cause of haze formation is still because ground pollutants meet atmospheric static conditions, there is currently no scientific research to show that wind farms and the formation of haze has a causal relationship.

Myth 2: The smog does not go away because of "nuclear pollution". According to rumors, large-scale uranium coal resources were found underground in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, and through combustion, the uranium in the coal entered the air, which is the cause of the current large-scale domestic smog.

Truth: The main influencing factor of smog is meteorological conditions, uranium itself is a very heavy element, not easy to be oxidized, will not become dust, and the power plant will dust the emissions, desulfurization and denitrification, that is, there is really there, should also be left in the combustion residue, into the air is very small.

Myth 3: Extreme weather in the United States stems from Chinese pollution. On March 8, US Public Radio reported that "Chinese pollution may cause cold and snowy winters in the United States."

Truth: Experts from the China Meteorological Administration pointed out that "studies have shown that since the beginning of winter, the frequent snowstorms in the United States are mainly caused by the strong polar cold air center biased towards the warm and humid air flow of the United States and the Atlantic, and are not directly related to China's air pollution," at the same time, the assessment report "Intercontinental Transmission Assessment Report" participated by scientists from many countries clearly pointed out that the "contribution" of pollutants emissions from East Asia to extreme weather in North America is very limited.
